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News & Articles

Maritime Injury, Featured
GLP Attorneys proudly pursues justice for our clients who have been injured at their place of work. We are pleased to share the story of...
Trucking Injury
The trucking industry plays an essential role in delivering necessary items to locations across the country, supplying everything from critical medicines and food to construction...
Automobile Collision
On Thursday, April 11, 2024, a police chase involving a kidnapping suspect caused a fatal crash that killed an 83-year-old woman and injured two other...
Nursing Home Abuse
Placing a loved one in a long-term care residence such as a nursing home is a difficult decision to make. You are not only thinking...
Bicycle Injury, Automobile Collision
Riding a bicycle leisurely or on your commute to work can be both rewarding and dangerous. It is important to know the best practices for...
Congratulations to the WSAJ Government and Legislative Affairs Team for their hard work in collaborating with lawmakers to get Bill 1618 signed into law by...
Construction Injury, Workplace Injury
On Tuesday, March 26, a 948-foot-long cargo ship leaving the Port of Baltimore crashed into the Francis Scott Key Bridge, causing the bridge to collapse....
Construction Injury, Workplace Injury
The Washington State Department of Labor & Industries oversees worker safety in the state. To help address potential workplace hazards and ensure that there are...
Automobile Collision
On Tuesday, March 19, 2024, a devastating car crash took the lives of a woman and three children near Renton. 38-year-old Andrea Hudson was a...
